Watch all the KCSD Dogs in action!

If you are COVID quarantining or don’t have 8.5 hours to spare on a Saturday you can still catch up with 10 of the King County Search dogs at a recent airscent training. This 3 minute Google Earth time lapse animation of dog GPS collar tracks lets you see how each dog found its “lost” subjects in one of two 40 acre areas. There is a lot of detail in the video so it is best viewed on a large screen at full 1080p/HD. Link to Video:

Everyone had fun in Redmond

King County Search Dogs and Seattle Mountain Rescue visited the John Muir School in Redmond earlier this year. They read a story about search dogs as part of a reading promotion program and then did a demonstration where some of the dogs searched for teachers hiding in the playground. Everyone had a good time judging by the many thoughtful thank-you notes the children sent as you can see in the sample below. If you are interested in having King County Search Dogs participate in a program at your school please contact us at Click here to see more thank you […]