K9 Zoey & Andy

Zoey is Andy's 12th working dog and 8th German Shepherd. She is teaching Andy at least as much as he is teaching her. Andy has an exceptional career with Search and Rescue Trailing work dating back to 1972. His a retired trainer for Connecticut State Police. During his police career, he trained K-9 teams for patrol, tracking, trailing, narcotics, explosive, arson, wilderness, disaster, water and cadaver work. He developed the State Police training program for cadaver search dogs. He is the retired past president of Northwest Disaster Search Dogs and a founder of King County Search Dogs, He has been a member and instructor for the National Police Bloodhound Association since 1974. Andy has participated in over 2000 missions in his career in a variety of roles; Trailing dog handler, cadaver dog handler or in a search management capacity. He has presented numerous papers at national seminars and is the author of "The Cadaver Dog Handbook,” published August 2000. He and his wife, Marcy, run K-9 Search Specialty Associates.