K9 Lincoln, K9 Puzzle & Jon

K9 Lincoln is a flat-coated retriever who has KCSD and NSDA Area II airscent certifications as well as KCSD and NSDA certifications in human remains detection. Lincoln's zest for life is surpassed only by his enthusiasm for searching when he has been known to range hundreds of yards into the forest in search of lost subjects to lick. Lincoln received the 2022 AKC Search & Rescue Award for Canine Excellence and was featured in an ESPN and ABC television special. K9 Puzzle is an energetic liver flat-coated retriever who is training in HRD. True to his name, he loves solving complex search problems even more than getting reward treats when he is successful.
Jon started volunteer search and rescue work in 1979 with a National Ski Patrol backcountry nordic unit. He joined KCSD in 2015 and was the 2016 recipient of the Ted Jamieson Award. He is the KCSD President elect and has previously served as Vice President and Secretary.